Bringing homegrown humor from deep in the heart of Texas to the worldwide web!
We value your submissions because we believe that anybody  with a sense of humor can create humor.  If You submit to the site, You can be sure that your submission(s) will be carefully considered for posting to the site if they are in accordance with our Guidelines for Submission:

#1.  Submissions should be funny,at least on some level--the funnier the better!

#2.  Submissions should not contain personal references, unless they are to public figures(like Barack Obama or Lindsay Lohan).

#3.  While we do not prohibit profanity from the site, we do draw the line somewhere this side of destructive obscenity, pedifilia, and such.

Please include identification if your PWAs or questions refer to existing scenarios on the site(eg. DUIQ1 refers to the first question of the dui scenario).  Thank you.

Possible Worst Answers: 

Homegrown Jokes, Limericks , Poems, Puns and Riddles:
If  You like the site--Thank You for telling your friends about it!
Guidelines for Submissions